Perilisan The Last Guardian Diundur Bulan Desember 2016


Sony Interactive Entertainment hari ini mengumumkan bahwa peluncuran The Last Guardian mengalami penundaan dari yang awalnya dijadwalkan rilis pada tanggal 25 Oktober, menjadi tanggal 6 Desember 2016 ke wilayah Amerika dan Jepang.

Melalui blog resmi PlayStation, petinggi Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, menjelaskan bahwa penundaan rilis ini dikarenakan pihak pengembang masih perlu sedikit lagi waktu untuk memperbaiki beberapa bug agar gamers bisa merasakan pengalaman bermain yang maksimal saat game diluncurkan nanti. Berikut ini adalah pernyataan resmi Shuhei Yoshida tersebut:

The Last Guardian development team is fast approaching major milestones in production and has made the tough decision to delay the release of The Last Guardian a few weeks. The Last Guardian will launch on December 6, 2016.

Fumito Ueda (gen Design) and Japan Studio have a wonderful vision for The Last Guardian’s touching, emotional journey of friendship and trust, and we want to deliver the most polished experience possible for our fans who have supported us for so long. A delay is a difficult decision, particularly with this game, but we have encountered more bugs than anticipated while in the final stages of development. To ensure that The Last Guardian delivers on the experience that the game’s creators have envisioned, we need to take the extra time to work on those issues.

Our development continues to push itself to the fullest and we look forward to revealing new content toward launch.
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